Sunday, February 23, 2014

DIY Cloud Door Mat

My apartment is tiny. My life at home sometimes feels like a battle between wanting to decorate and needing to organize (which is NOT my strength). I dedicated a chunk of my day yesterday to cleaning out and organizing one of the three (also tiny) closets here, and I think I did a pretty good job! As a reward to myself, I made a couple of cute, happy, cloud-shaped door mats.

-Door mat (I got mind at Target for around $5)
-Something round to trace
-A marker or pen that will mark on your mat
-A good pair of scissors

Once you have your supplies, here's what you need to do:

First flip your mat over so you won't be marking on the side you'll see.
Use your bowl (or other round object) to create the individual cloud "puffs" around your mat, leaving one long edge flat. Keep tracing until you have a cloud shape that you like.

Once your cloud looks just right, use a sharp pair of scissors to cut it out, and you're finished! It's that easy!

This project only took about 15 minutes, and it makes me smile every time a walk through my door!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Refashion: A Cozy Valentine's Day Sweater

Supposedly the weather here in the midwest is getting a little bit warmer, but there's still snow in my front yard and there's apparently more coming today! I'm still feeling the need to be cozy when I step out the door on this Valentine's Day, and have JUST the sweater.

And it's even red for Valentine's Day! 
I can't wear it like this, but I have a plan.

First I cut off the sewn-on turtleneck and wristbands and discarded them. I didn't bother with a seam ripper since it wouldn't be visible. Next I flipped the shirt inside-out and used another shirt that I like the fit of, and used it as a pattern to trace around. I probably should have pinned around the shirt where I wanted to sew, but I didn't feel like it. I am a big fan of sharpies and found this green marker before I came across any pins or chalk, so sharpie wins!
Then it's time to sew it up.

 I trimmed the extra fabric and flipped it back right side out.

Much better! Now I'm ready to head out and meet up with my Valentine. :)

Happy Valentine's Day!