Saturday, June 28, 2014

Thrift Scores! And Summer Adventures

As always, summer so far has been busy, busy, busy! Although I teach I do not have summers off, and this time of year is in fact much more exhausting than the school year. I am technically a camp counselor this summer and spend my days with up to 29 children age 6-8. I can't really complain, though because most of these days are consumed with field trips and awesome activities. So far this summer I have been to the Zoo, the Science Center, Shaw Nature Reserve, the Wolf Sanctuary miniature golfing, the park, and fishing at Busch Wildlife. The most exciting was when we were at the Zoo and the kettle corn kiosk caught fire. AND Summer is only halfway over!

Now to the actual point of this post: thrift scores! When I'm feeling especially worn out, my favorite way to relax is by finding amazing bargains. I find the best deals at garage sales--especially church garage sales, but I have pretty good luck at certain thrift stores too. My first bargain I'd like to share may not seem like such a bargain to you, but believe me it was!

This awesome brick was found at a garage sale way out in the western most edge of the suburbs, far from its original home. The lady who sold this to me said she had purchased it years earlier from the neighborhood where I happen to live.

This ice cream maker was a quarter.

 I can't show a picture of the whole thing because half of it is in the freezer getting ready to do its thing. Amazingly, this little gem makes really awesome ice cream! Totally worth the money.

These stools were actually purchased a few months ago, but I love them and had to share.

I paid $60 for a beautiful set of five! These came from an estate sale and they are totally vintage! They have a sticker on the bottom from Lammert's, which was local.

They go so nicely in my dining corner!

This dress was the real steal!

I got it from a church garage sale this morning.

How darling is that shamrock print?! I love this so much and kind of feel like I should have paid more. I googled this brand and found a lot of dresses for a LOT more than $2.50! But when it comes down to it, this dress made my morning.

My summertime stress has been temporarily relived!